
Chapter 15- Trust in Him

The Lord never asks you to understand him or reasons for things that may happen in your life. 
He only asks that you TRUST in Him. 

In the Bible study that I am currently in we learned that three of the most life- changing words in the entire Bible are 
"Praise the Lord".

Praise God despite our circumstances.
 No matter what circumstances you are going through in your life, God gives you Grace.  He hopes that with this Grace you can learn from your situation. Therefore, praise him. Where there is praise, God's presence can be felt. 

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed; yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken. Isaiah 54:10 

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
We must learn to rely on His Love!

The song below has been sung at our church the last few Sundays. Every time I hear it, I love it even more! I only wish Jen McGowan (from Hope Fellowship) would be the one singing it, as she is AMAZING, has a beautiful voice, and would easily bring tears to your eyes with this song. Enjoy! Or better yet- come hear her sing it on Sunday! :)

God I look to you

Psalm 139:1-14

Chapter 14: Twin Talk

How Far Along: 25 weeks... 15 to go! (well, with twins.. 11 weeks to go!) 

Size of Babies: Eggplants (2 lbs each!)
What You’re Doing this week: Relaxing, photographing, swimming, shopping, visiting with girlfriends, and traveling (to Waco to see Jennifer!) 
Cravings: STILL...ice cream or sweets! Which is a huge turn around for me. Before I was pregnant- I wasn't much into sweets. I would eat a Hershey's bar with almonds and that was about it! Well... these little ones LOVE sweets. To the gym I go.... 
Sleep: I'm not getting much sleep due to back pain. :(  I am thinking about going to a chiropractor! 
Weight Gain:  15 lbs. Oh my! (I won't be filling you in on this much longer...)
Names: Layton Aaron and Hadley McKee 
Symptoms: None- just a growing, growing, growing belly! 
Fetal Movement: Oh yes!! It is so neat to see my belly move from the outside! I was reading with the iPad resting on my belly and the iPad moved! WOW, right? It is so neat to not only feel them move, but watch them too!
Baby Details: Their eyes are now developed and starting to open along with their nostrils, which have been plugged up until now. This actually allows them to begin taking practice breaths.  Of course since there no air in there, :) they are breathing amniotic fluid, but it's practice! 


Chapter 13: You know you're pregnant when...

When you go to open a bottle of wine (for a friend :)) and realize your automatic wine opener is dead from lack of use.

When you can't see anything below your belly.

When you get a little out of breath from walking and talking at the same time!
(this is a hard one for me... for those that know me well know that I LOVE to go on a run and chit chat at the same time).

When you balance your Ipad on your belly to read at night.

When you no longer can make it through the night without going to the restroom. 

When random people start grabbing your belly. 
(I so want to reach back and grab theirs and see how they like it. :)

When you are thankful for flip flops. They are so much easier to put on then tennis shoes. 

When you ENJOY organizing... everything!

When you sleep with 3..4..5 pillows.

When you are actually okay with your stomach growing and growing...

When sucking in doesn't do anything for your figure.

When you consider vacuuming your home to be your "workout" for the day. :P

When taking pictures of your growing belly are memories that you want.


Chapter 12: Twin Talk

How Far Along: 23 weeks (WOW! Time has flown by!) 

Size of Babies: 2 ears of corn! :) 1.4 lbs each
What You’re Doing this week: Michael is out of town this week for work :). Therefore, I am keeping myself busy with "dates" with my girl friends! I have scheduled 3 lunch dates, 2 dinner dates, 1 movie date, and 1 layout by the pool date! I've been running errands, cleaning, organizing, sleeping in, going to my weekly bible study and a little bit of shopping ;)!  Busy, busy but fun and productive.  My sweet puppies miss their Daddy as much as I do! He'll be home soon!   
Cravings: STILL...ice cream :)
Sleep: Sleeping on my side has been a huge adjustment for me. I haven't been getting much sleep.  Thank you, Lord for preparing me sooner then later. 
Sex of Baby: Two beautiful baby girls!!! 
Weight Gain:  10 lbs. (I won't be filling you in on this much longer...)
Names: Layton Aaron and Hadley McKee 
Symptoms: None- just a growing belly! Thank you, Lord!
Fetal Movement: These sweet little ones are having fun in my belly!! They are already "playing".  Michael has felt them move. What a wonderful experience this has been for both of us.  
Nursery Details: The nursery has started to come together.  Michael built one of the  cribs and put the together our stroller. He seems to be enjoying the "building" jobs! My mom and sister, Lynley, helped pick out their bedding and curtain fabric. (neutral colors- cream, white, tan) Mom came over and we (she) made their curtains. They are white with a diamond/ruffled pattern.  We are starting on their bedding soon! I can't wait! 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 
Jeremiah 29:11