(well, I thought I clicked 'POST' at the end of August-- eek! I didn't!)
We had a wonderful summer filled with lots of family, friends and FUN!
If you follow along with our Tennison Tribe on Facebook/ Instagram- you know what we had been up too! But, I wanted to update our family journal, this blog, too!
In May...
-Michael went on a bear hunt- and brought one home! EEK!
-The girls enjoyed their last month of dance practice (until their dance recital in June!)
Cousin, Raylyn, celebrated her 3rd birthday!
Daddy built a new table for our back porch!
And he got a fun new toy to drive around in!
In June...
-In June the twins enjoyed their first Vacation Bible School!
-The twins had their first dance recital!
Saying Good Bye to Nanny!
-Nanny (my grandmother), Mom and Dad, Lynley, Mel, Raylyn and the twins went to see Finding Dory! (which was precious)
-I traveled to my yearly girls trip with friends! This year we went to Austin and had a wonderful time.
In July...
We started off July at the Fox Families Lake home- the 4th weekend was perfect and we had a blast! (with no air upstairs- fun memory!)

-we started swim lessons and they rocked swimming!
-We finished the summer off with our annual family beach trip- which was too much fun!
swim, swim, swim
In August...
-Ally Ann got her
tubes! Sweet baby girl! She has been ear infection FREE for two months!
tubes! Sweet baby girl! She has been ear infection FREE for two months!
We were on the GO all summer and this sweet baby just trucked along with us!
-We enjoyed a fun pool day at the Knights Pool
-My girl friends and I celebrated my 3-2 birthday with massages!
-Soccer practice started for the twins and so far- they are ROCKING soccer! (while playing a little 'ring around the rosy' in the middle of the field!
We are excited or Fall weather!
WELCOME OCTOBER- and all things pumpkin.
And welcome preschool for the big girls! They are loving their new school- which makes this mommas heart SO happy.