We had a great summer with Layton and Hadley! Our summer fun included many pool trips and splash pads. We also enjoyed vacations with our families!
We traveled to the lake and to the beach with the twins.
The girls were wonderful when it came to the new transition of dinner and snacks being in a new place. They slept well in their pack-n-plays and traveled great in the car. We are excited for Fall to arrive as pictures with pumpkins and Halloween costumes will be a blast! Here are a few pictures from our lake trip with the Tennison family and beach trip with the Kees/Fox family! I also added pictures of our summer fun!
Lake Trip 2013
Summer Beach Trip 2013
Lynley and I made a sand car for the girls to sit in.
My Dad would make these for us each summer that we would go to the beach. Fun, memories! 
It's blurry- phone picture!
{just a few other OUTDOOR fun activities}
Summer Pool Days 2013
Oh, the legs! Layton is in the middle! The other precious legs are friends!
Don't forget your shades!!
Splash Pads! How fun are these? We didn't have these gems growing up. The girls sat and splashed this year. But, oh the fun they will have next Spring and Summer.
Swing, Swing! We traveled to many play-dates at the park!
Walks with Mom and Dad around the neighborhood! This twin jogging stroller has been great for the girls. :)