Our December was a blast with three year olds! Watching the holiday of Christmas through the eyes of children is truly a blessing.
We did a lot of fun activities that kept us super busy this December We enjoyed brunch with the Tennisons & Santa, had a blast at a cookie decorating party, watched the trains at North Park and listened to Santa read a story. We celebrated Michael turning 33 and celebrated friendships at dinner with our home group from church. The girls LOVED playing with the nativity scene and were so sad to see it packed up. They had a small ballet recital for us to come and watch.. and they mostly :) followed directions. Layton made up a few of her own dance moves.
It was pretty stinkin' adorable.
The girls helped decorate our home with the Christmas spirit
(our elf didn't do too much this year as she fell and broke her leg on day TWO)
H&L enjoyed opening gifts leading up to Christmas Eve from their grandparents.
{{Such a sweet tradition they both started! Fabulous grandparents think alike! Every night after bath time the girls would run to the couch a wait for their gift to open. The gifts were mostly Christmas related. Nothing big- just fun little goodies. Books about Jesus & traditions/ or fun activities for them to enjoy.}}

Santa snuggles after brunch with the Tennison's!
Walking in and out of church with this view melts me EVERY week!
Layton got sick last minute and couldn't come to the annual Christmas cookie decorating party hosted by the Berres',
Listening to Santa's Story time at NorthPark Mall!
They were all a little intrigued (or scared) of the man in the big red suit.
Turtle & duck watching after Santa
The girls loved visiting the trains at North Park
Off to the park! The weather was gorgeous this year!
Dinner at Happiest Hour in Dallas before the Mavs Game

Date night with Sean and Mel!
A quick picture after their Christmas dance recital!
(they did great- and made up most of their own moves during the performance! :)
Our Home Group from Hope Fellowship enjoyed a date night together!
GOSH- we can't even explain how much this group of people means to us.
Hope's Women/Christmas Event
Our littlest love along for the ride with all of this Christmas fun! It's crazy to think she'll be running around next Christmas.
Christmas light looking in our jammies *well, the littles...
Hadley and Layton loved decorating the mini tree at Aimee and Grumps' house! It was all ornaments that Denise has collected just for them. They did a great job and had so much fun.
*dressed like a princess of course
Happy Birthday, Michael!
Just a few babies in a brewery :)
Both of our parents do wrapped goodies for the girls- 6 days leading up to Christmas.
They looked forward to this every night!
I think my parents had just as much fun delivering the gifts
as Layton and Hadley had opening them!
Christmas morning... "Santa CAME! Why didn't he come say hello, Daddy??" The girls thought that Santa would wake them up before leaving their gifts. Sweet girls. We need to be more specific next year!
Building at the Tennison's Christmas day
Our Santa baby!
Picnics in the trunk before we park played- don't mind the potty....
All in all, we had a great December. We laughed, cried, and celebrated the reason for all of the fun this season. We missed having Lance with us, which caused a lot of tears during the holiday, but we were picked up and surround by love from our friends and family. We are thankful for the memories that were made this season.
We will always miss Lance. That will never end, but we know that our hearts will heal from the pain of losing him and the memories of his smile, laugh and precious family will remain forever.
We hope your holidays were filled with fun, family, and remembering the reason for the season- Jesus Christ.
Our pace has slowed down and it's a pace we are enjoying.