Thankful Thanksgiving & blessed Christmas
I'm a little behind- so here goes!
Catch up time for Thanksgiving and Christmas ALL in one post!
Do you see an extra little someone on at the end of the table?
Our little turkeys! Hadley is on the bottom row far left. Layton is in my lap... my little shy baby girl!
For Thanksgiving we enjoyed many Thanksgiving meals! First up was WACO! We played in the dirt, roasted marshmallows, hung out with cows and enjoyed a yummy feast with Michaels moms side of the family. Debbie and Johnny, Michaels Aunt Debbie and Uncle Johnny have land/a ranch near Waco, so we all camped out and the girls had so much fun playing with Haven, Michaels cousins little girl. The always have a blast together!
Next up, Thanksgiving Day lunch at Lala and Papas! Mom planned a "come and go" Thanksgiving meal for everyone to enjoy. She had the food out in warmers, so we could arrive and head out as needed.
After Thanksgiving at my parents, we packed up and headed to Louisiana on a second road trip with our girls! Off to my grandparents lake house we headed, to visit with my Moms side of the family.
The girls helped set free baby turtles into the lake, caught (and actually held) large frogs, roasted marshmallows, played Left, right, center, played in the sand and enjoyed a third Thanksgiving meal with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! (for some reason the pictures aren't pulling up on my laptop, so this is all I have for now!)
More dirt playing!
Christmas Time!
Ally Ann wanted nothing to do with laying down with her big sisters. These two are all giggles and goofing off these days!
This holiday season was magical for our family. The girls are old enough to understand the true reason for the season! We have talked so much about Baby Jesus and his Momma Mary and Daddy Joseph. This made this Mommas heart BURST! They are growing to love Jesus and it just makes us so proud and excited for them.
Speaking of the magic of the season, our elf came back and the girls loved waking up to her moving all around our home. We have been BUSY little bees over the past month. We baked, shopped, decorated, attended Christmas parties.. and more parties, listened to Christmas music--ALL. THE. TIME, Christmas light cheered, gingerbread house decorated, puppet show watched, Jesus celebrated and enjoyed time with family and friends, all the while making wonderful, WONDERFUL memories!
Here are a few pictures of our home dressed for the holiday!
Dinning room table set for Baby Jesus' Birthday brunch
Our saggy tree (fresh trees are gorgeous until the last few days! ha!)
This year marked our second Christmas without Michaels brother, Lance. We miss him terribly and know that the Lord is carrying us through this walk of life. This ornament couldn't be more perfect: "because some we love is in Heaven... a little bit of heaven is in our home." Thank you for your prayers over the holiday season! Our family appreciates it so much!! If you are interested in sharing 'Lance's Love' over the year, please let me know and I'll mail you a few Kindness Cards to pass along as you share love to others in honor of Lance.
December 19th was Michaels 34th Birthday! We are so thankful for this Daddy who leads our home! We are grateful for him.
Cheers to 34 years, Michael! Here were a few of my favorite memories with him.
Christmas 2016 at Hope Fellowship Church
Jesus' Birthday Brunch

Decorating cupcakes for Baby Jesus
Everyone grab a child! :)
The girls all wore their Christmas jammies and looked adorable!
Haley, Chelsea & the girls, Steven and Denise and us all boarded the Polar Express and had so much fun with all the kids.
We sang Christmas songs, wrote letters to Santa, met Mrs. Claus, and received beautiful bells to wear home! We had so much fun with Ammie and Grumps.
Just look at these sweet cousin faces! (collage of pictures are on Instagram from the day)

Michaels work party// Silver Hill Energy
Michael loves his job and co-workers! It was so nice to have the opportunity to meet the people that he speaks so highly of at home. We had a wonderful time!
We enjoyed the Dallas Children's Nutcracker Puppet show with my mom and sisters! We took the big girls and had such a great time! The girls loved sitting in their own chairs, but most of the show ended up snuggled on our laps. We are eager to try out the ballet next year.
"hohoho" Ally Ann
Breakfast with Santa for the second year at the Craig Ranch TPC club. We always have so much fun- and the girls loved sitting and talking to Santa. He even walked around the room while we ate breakfast.
Hadley asked for a Baby Alive Doll and Layton asked for a Tea Party Dress Up doll set. Ally Ann was content just checking Santa out!
The twins performance from Preschool
Last, our family Christmas card! My thought was a "cozy Christmas" theme with the girls in their jammies, but Ally Ann wouldn't get out of my arms, so Michael and I ended up being in more pictures than we wanted. ahhhh! I know this time will pass, so instead, I'll cherish my full arms of Ally Ann.
There ya have it! Told ya it was going to be a long post- hope you enjoyed a few (okay- A LOT) of pictures. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas- celebrating Jesus Christ!
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with our family on Instagram @annmarie_tennison and on Facebook
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